For questions about Household Hazardous Waste Collection services please call Ukiah Waste Solutions at 707-234-6400.
For questions about MSWMA, the transition, or to report an illegal dump please email Seth Strader at the City of Ukiah
If you see illegal dump sites in your community, be sure to let us know. If you are able to, take a picture, note the exact location using an address, a mile marker, or GPS coordinates, describe the approximate size of the dump site, and identify the illegally dumped materials.
Send an email with all pertinant information to to report illegal dump sites.
The Haz-Mobile is free to residents of Mendocino County. Most household hazardous waste is accepted.
All commercial customers are required to make appointments ahead of time by calling the Ukiah Waste Solutions office at 707-234-6400.
About us
Mendocino Waste Management Authority (MSWMA) is a JPA formed by the Cities of Willits, Fort Bragg, Ukiah and the County of Mendocino.
Board of Directors
Coastal Representative TBD
Maureen Mulheren, County of Mendocino
Jason Goedeke, City of Fort Bragg
Doug Crane, City of Ukiah
Willits Representative TBD
General Manager - Tim Eriksen, City of Ukiah
MSWMA has contracted with Ukiah Waste Solutions to provide Household Hazardous Waste Collection services.
The MSWMA facility, located at 3200 Taylor Drive in Ukiah, is open every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Click here to learn more about what is accepted and locations.
For questions about Household Hazardous Waste Collection services please call Ukiah Waste Solutions please call 707-234-6400.
For questions about MSWMA, the transition, or to report an illegal dump please email Seth Strader at the City of Ukiah